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How to Use CommonActionWidget

Support for Held Progress Animation

I have been trying to make it work without success, but after debugging layer by layer, I finally found the reason.

  • Make sure that "held" and "UIHold Data" are configured correctly. alt text
  • Only actions with trigger types that support "held" can bind to the "held" action.

        bool UCommonActionWidget::IsHeldAction() const
            if (EnhancedInputAction && CommonUI::IsEnhancedInputSupportEnabled())
                for (const TObjectPtr<UInputTrigger>& Trigger : EnhancedInputAction->Triggers)
                    if (EnumHasAnyFlags(Trigger->GetSupportedTriggerEvents(), ETriggerEventsSupported::Ongoing))
                        return true;
                return false;
    Otherwise, the progress image used for the animation will be hidden.
            if (IsHeldAction())
    Therefore, open the corresponding InputAction and add support for "Hold": alt text
