UListView 是专门处理 以 UObject 作为父类的数据项的列表。可以认为它是一个专门为UObject 类型优化使用的ListView。
其中,它有专门处理子类是 AActor 的类型的情况。
void UListView::OnItemsChanged(const TArray<UObject*>& AddedItems, const TArray<UObject*>& RemovedItems)
// Allow subclasses to do special things when objects are added or removed from the list.
// Keep track of references to Actors and make sure to release them when Actors are about to be removed
for (UObject* AddedItem : AddedItems)
if (AActor* AddedActor = Cast<AActor>(AddedItem))
AddedActor->OnEndPlay.AddDynamic(this, &UListView::OnListItemEndPlayed);
else if (AActor* AddedItemOuterActor = AddedItem->GetTypedOuter<AActor>())
// Unique so that we don't spam events for shared actor outers but this also means we can't
// unsubscribe when processing RemovedItems
AddedItemOuterActor->OnEndPlay.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &UListView::OnListItemOuterEndPlayed);
当Actor 被销毁的时候,会调用 OnListItemEndPlayed
void UListView::OnListItemOuterEndPlayed(AActor* ItemOuter, EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)
for (int32 ItemIndex = ListItems.Num() - 1; ItemIndex >= 0; --ItemIndex)
UObject* Item = ListItems[ItemIndex];
if (Item->IsIn(ItemOuter))
也就是 当Actor 被销毁的时候会自动更新本列表同步数据。
如果数据项不是UObject类型,那么选择 继承于UListViewBase,自定义一个比较好。如果是基于UListView,而数据项是FMyData的话,那么就得用UObject 来 包裹这个 FMyData。
UListViewBase本身不是模板类,如果要支持模板化,可以实现 ITypedUMGListView 接口
* Mirrored SListView<T> API for easier interaction with a bound UListViewBase widget
* See declarations on SListView for more info on each function and event
* Note that, being a template class, this is not a UClass and therefore cannot be exposed to Blueprint.
* If you are using UObject* items, just use (or inherit from) UListView directly
* Otherwise, it is up to the child class to propagate events and/or expose functions to BP as needed
* Use the IMPLEMENT_TYPED_UMG_LIST() macro for the implementation boilerplate in your implementing class.
* @see UListView for an implementation example.
template <typename ItemType>
class ITypedUMGListView
如果选择继承UListViewBase并自定义模板,CommonUI 提供一个更好的父类,FCommonNativeListItem
* Base item class for any UMG ListViews based on native, non-UObject items.
* Exclusively intended to provide bare-bones RTTI to the items to allow one array of list items to be multiple classes
* without needing a different, more awkward identification mechanism or an abstract virtual of every conceivable method in the base list item class
class FCommonNativeListItem : public TSharedFromThis<FCommonNativeListItem>
- RTTI 的含义:
RTTI 是 C++ 的一个特性,允许程序在运行时确定对象的类型。标准的 C++ RTTI 包括 dynamic_cast 和 typeid 操作符。
- bare-bones RTTI:
这里的 "bare-bones" 意味着基本的、简化的。它暗示这个 RTTI 系统比标准 C++ RTTI 更加轻量和简单
它提供的一段小 demo
class FMyCustomListItem : public FCommonNativeListItem
DERIVED_LIST_ITEM(FMyCustomListItem, FCommonNativeListItem);
class FMyCustomUsualListItem : public FMyCustomListItem
DERIVED_LIST_ITEM(FMyCustomUsualListItem, FMyCustomListItem);
class FMyCustomSpecialCaseListItem : public FMyCustomListItem
DERIVED_LIST_ITEM(FMyCustomSpecialCaseListItem, FMyCustomListItem);
class UMyCustomListView : public UListViewBase, ITypedUMGListView<TSharedPtr<FMyCustomListItem>>
IMPLEMENT_TYPED_UMG_LIST(TSharedPtr<FMyCustomListItem, MyListView>)
TSharedPtr<SListView<TSharedPtr<FMyCustomListItem>>> MyListView;