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Some Tools


Editor Tools

  • BPCorruptionFix Sometimes BPs get corrupted, due to Actor Component changes. Their type, their name, declaring them with the wrong properties, saving information about them inside of BPs … there are a number of ways this can happen.

  • AdvancedUI 修改并保存UE编辑器的默认缩放比例。 Unreal Engine 5 Advanced UI Editor. it to start working This Unreal Engine Plugin allows setting a custom and persistent UI scale for the editor as well as allowing you to disable Slate UI tooltips in the editor (probably only useful for Linux).

    • 目前只有保存缩放比例的这一个功能。
  • UE-ProgramBrowser Create, Build, Pakcage an Unreal Engine Standalone Program Application. 使用虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)提供的资源创建独立应用程序(Standalone Program)而非游戏(Not Game),本插件实现了对独立应用程序从创建到打包的一键式流程管理

  • 动画纹理 直接把GIF作为为一种资产 This plugin allows you to import animated GIF into your Unreal Engine 4 project as a new AnimatedTexture asset type.

  • Renom UE5改名工具 A simple tool to rename Unreal Engine projects.

    • (实测不是很好用, 可能是项目自身原因)
  • MDMetaDataEditor 支持使用蓝图修改、配置元数据。Unreal Engine 5.1+ plugin to enable editing meta data of Blueprint Properties, Functions, and Function and Event Parameters

  • RefreshAllNodes 该插件在编辑器中创建一个按钮,它将在所有蓝图上运行内置的“刷新所有节点”命令。Unreal Engine plugin that refreshes and compiles all of your blueprints.

    • 只有一个按钮,点击了会刷新全部蓝图文件。
  • Cog 基于Dear ImGui的UE调试工具集合。Cog is a set of debug tools for Unreal Engine built on top of Dear ImGui

    • 提供比UE原版更好用的GAS、EnhancedInput、行为树、CheatMenu等调试工具。


  • TurboSequence 用GPU加速骨骼动画 Skeletal Based GPU Crowds for UE5 🚀

  • mixamo_converter mixamo 根动画转换神器。 Blender addon for converting mixamo animations to Unreal 4 rootmotion

  • ALSXT Advanced Locomotion System Refactored with expanded Character States, Improved Foot Print system, Sliding, Vaulting and Wallrunning(XT)

  • 风动骨骼布料物理 Real looking cloth physics engine for Unreal.

  • KawaiiPhysics 低计算成本物理动画模拟。Kawaii Physics is a pseudo-physics plugin for Unreal Engine 4 and 5. It allows you to create simple and cute animations for objects like hair, skirts, and breasts.

  • ThreepeatAnimTools 该存储库包含 Unreal 5.4+ 曲线编辑器过滤器和经过大量修改的 MetaHuman 角色选择器,适用于 Metahuman 和基于 UE5-Mannequin 的控制装置。 This repository contains Unreal 5.4+ curve editor filters and a heavily-modified MetaHuman character picker that works for both Metahuman and UE5-Mannequin-based control rigs.


  • UE5CoroUE5Coro 为虚幻引擎 5 实现了 C++20 协程支持,注重游戏逻辑、便利性,并提供与引擎的无缝集成。UE5Coro implements C++20 coroutine support for Unreal Engine 5 with a focus on gameplay logic, convenience, and providing seamless integration with the engine.

    • 让蓝图也支持协程函数。
    • wrap了多个module, 使用方便。
  • FlowGraph 将其作为开源项目发布的目的是让人们能够更轻松地讲述精彩的故事并构建身临其境的世界。这使我们能够丰富视频游戏的故事叙述,从而激励人们并让我们的世界变得更美好。 Design-agnostic node system for scripting game’s flow in Unreal Engine

  • Dialogue Plugin Dialogue Plugin System for Unreal Engine

  • SPUD 易用存档系统。 SPUD is a save game and streaming level persistence solution for Unreal Engine 5.

  • stream-chat-unreal 聊天框架,源码值得学习。该steam不是那个steam。The Stream Chat SDK is the official Unreal SDK for Stream Chat, a service for building chat and messaging games and applications.


  • Mutable 角色自定义系统 Mutable generates skeletal meshes at runtime in your game. If your project needs content that can change dynamically, then Mutable is a good candidate to do that for you. It is always referred to as a "Character customization system", however it can generate any kind of skeletal mesh, including animls, props and weapons.



  • VaRest REST API plugin for Unreal Engine 4 - we love restfull backend and JSON communications!


  • imgui 代码驱动的UI开发方式,无需可视化编辑器, 对程序员非常友好。 Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies

    • API简单直观,学习曲线平缓
    • 快速实现工具类UI,如调试面板、属性编辑器等
    • 非常适合做游戏内调试工具、编辑器扩展
  • Taichi Taichi 是一个并行计算框架,适合计算密集型任务(例如写Shader、物理仿真和人工智能等任务)高度依托于并行计算 Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python.

    • 相似框架对比
    • Taichi Lang 提供了一组称为SNode (/ˈsnoʊd/) 的通用数据容器,这是一种组合分层、多维字段的有效机制。这可以涵盖数值模拟中的许多使用模式(例如空间稀疏计算)。
    • cgerchenhp表示将 Taichi 集成到虚幻引擎中非常容易。充分利用 Taichi 的高性能并行计算和 UE 对 Python 的支持(通过插件 TAPython
  • spine-runtimes Spine 是一款针对游戏开发的 2D 骨骼动画编辑工具, 支持虚幻。

  • MassSample understanding of Unreal Engine 5's experimental ECS plugin with a small sample project.

  • UnrealLibretro Libretro 游戏模拟器 UnrealLibretro is a Libretro Frontend for Unreal Engine. It is a Blueprint compatible library that lets you run emulators within Unreal Engine. More Technically it allows you to run Libretro Cores.

Art Tools

  • ComfyTextures 用扩散模型给3d模型场景自动生成贴图。 Unreal Engine ⚔️ ComfyUI - Automatic texturing using generative diffusion models

  • RGB↔X AI根据输入图片生成材质。 RGB↔X: Image Decomposition and Synthesis Using Material- and Lighting-aware Diffusion Models

  • Libretro Shader 老电视机、老游戏 滤镜。 This repo is for glsl shaders converted by hand from libretro's common-shaders repo, since some don't play nicely with the cg2glsl script.

  • glslViewer Console-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders

  • UnrealGPUSwarm 学习compute shaders的例子。 This project is a good starting point for learning how to write compute shaders in Unreal. It implements a boid simulation the GPU. It achieves 0.5 million boids at 45 fps on a GTX 1080.


  • MaxQ 演示了如果使用NASA的航天规划和分析的行业标准航天工具集(如何引入第三方C语言库)。 spaceflight Toolkit for Unreal Engine 5

  • KittensMaze 一个GAS项目。 A source code of "Kittens' Maze", a free to play game developed in Unreal Engine 4

  • OnAllFronts-Public Mass Entity (ECS) framework Demo(主项目已闭源)

  • ParagonUIPrototyping 8年前的UE4项目,可用于学习UI构建。 Paragon UI Prototyping using UE4.11 UMG

  • ActionRPG_UE53 官方GAS项目升级虚幻5的版本。Action RPG sample project upgraded to the latest Unreal Engine 5.3

  • PixelSpiritDeck 大量Shader基础图形用例学习。 Each Pixel Spirit card presents a visual element together with the GLSL shader code that generates it. Ultimately, these elements can be reused and combined to compose an infinite visual language. This deck is a tool for learning, a library, and an oracle.

  • MeshCuttingGunSample 演示物理抓取,和对模型的切割还原。Mesh-Cutting/Restoring mechanics
